Hour 1:
HARD COPIES of your 3 improved design paragraphs
and your Draft #1 of your products are due NOW beginning of class! Here's the rubric!
Set up your table!
Independent Reading Friday
Independent Reading Postcard #2: Due May 8th, 2018
Current Events #1 due TODAY end of day (the 27th)
Essay Work/Design Paragraphs
Final Essay due May 25th (early drafts/submissions encouraged!)
Work on Romeo & Juliet project (R&J Project Description)
Due May 5th: Makeup Task for ARITS Unit Test
Design paragraphs
Products for Humanities
Hour 2:
MUN Worktime
Hour 3:
Health Education
Current Events #1 due TONIGHT end of day (the 27th)
Independent Reading Postcard #2: Due May 8th, 2018
Final Essay due May 25th (early drafts/submissions encouraged!)
Work on Romeo & Juliet project (R&J Project Description)
Due May 5th: Makeup Task for ARITS Unit Test
Work Ethic Makeup Opportunities:
1. 1 paragraph on Improv Show (Senior sendoff): What is humor? What makes moments humorous? Use evidence from the improv show to prove your argument. (5 work ethic)
2. Help curate the independent reading primary color wall! (5 work ethic makeup)
HARD COPIES of your 3 improved design paragraphs
and your Draft #1 of your products are due NOW beginning of class! Here's the rubric!
Set up your table!
Independent Reading Friday
Independent Reading Postcard #2: Due May 8th, 2018
Current Events #1 due TODAY end of day (the 27th)
Essay Work/Design Paragraphs
Final Essay due May 25th (early drafts/submissions encouraged!)
Work on Romeo & Juliet project (R&J Project Description)
Due May 5th: Makeup Task for ARITS Unit Test
Design paragraphs
Products for Humanities
Hour 2:
MUN Worktime
Hour 3:
Health Education
Current Events #1 due TONIGHT end of day (the 27th)
Independent Reading Postcard #2: Due May 8th, 2018
Final Essay due May 25th (early drafts/submissions encouraged!)
Work on Romeo & Juliet project (R&J Project Description)
Due May 5th: Makeup Task for ARITS Unit Test
Work Ethic Makeup Opportunities:
1. 1 paragraph on Improv Show (Senior sendoff): What is humor? What makes moments humorous? Use evidence from the improv show to prove your argument. (5 work ethic)
2. Help curate the independent reading primary color wall! (5 work ethic makeup)