Pick one article from a credible LOCAL news source and then do the following:
1. Title of article and author
2. Link to article
3. How do you know this is a credible news article?
4. Choose ONE of the following choices and write a paragraph of at least 3 sentences responding through the lens you've chosen:
~Agreement: Summarize some of the ideas in the story and explain why you like the ideas or not. Also, feel free to express your own personal ideas on the topic and how your ideas agree with or contrast to those in the report.
~Persuasion: Tell us what information in this report that you found convincing and which information you are suspicious of. If there are different opinions in the story, tell us who you agree with and why you agree with them. If you disagree with some opinion, explain which opinions you disagree with and why you disagree.
~ Surprise: Summarize the information in the story that surprises you and explain why it surprises you. Feel free to talk in some depth about what you used to think before you read this report.
5. Choose ONE of the following choices and write a paragraph of at least 3 sentences responding through the lens you've chosen:
~Affect: Explain the emotional effect of the story on you. Tell us why you responded in that way, using a lot of detail and background to do so.
~Critical Analysis (what’s missing): Describe information that you think is missing from this report. Explain what other details you think the story could or should have contained, and justify why you think that information should have been in the story. (another favorite)
~ Critical Analysis (bias): Describe any bias, prejudice or stereotype you see behind the story/column. Focus especially the text’s content or presentation. Also, speculate on why this story was written and on any underlying motivation for creating the story/column. (another good, critical question)
For credit for collaboration
1) Read one classmate's post
2) Respond to their post with 2 pieces of positive feedback about their write up and 1 question or piece of critique for improvement.
1. Title of article and author
2. Link to article
3. How do you know this is a credible news article?
4. Choose ONE of the following choices and write a paragraph of at least 3 sentences responding through the lens you've chosen:
~Agreement: Summarize some of the ideas in the story and explain why you like the ideas or not. Also, feel free to express your own personal ideas on the topic and how your ideas agree with or contrast to those in the report.
~Persuasion: Tell us what information in this report that you found convincing and which information you are suspicious of. If there are different opinions in the story, tell us who you agree with and why you agree with them. If you disagree with some opinion, explain which opinions you disagree with and why you disagree.
~ Surprise: Summarize the information in the story that surprises you and explain why it surprises you. Feel free to talk in some depth about what you used to think before you read this report.
5. Choose ONE of the following choices and write a paragraph of at least 3 sentences responding through the lens you've chosen:
~Affect: Explain the emotional effect of the story on you. Tell us why you responded in that way, using a lot of detail and background to do so.
~Critical Analysis (what’s missing): Describe information that you think is missing from this report. Explain what other details you think the story could or should have contained, and justify why you think that information should have been in the story. (another favorite)
~ Critical Analysis (bias): Describe any bias, prejudice or stereotype you see behind the story/column. Focus especially the text’s content or presentation. Also, speculate on why this story was written and on any underlying motivation for creating the story/column. (another good, critical question)
For credit for collaboration
1) Read one classmate's post
2) Respond to their post with 2 pieces of positive feedback about their write up and 1 question or piece of critique for improvement.