81 Reasons Why (Click for Project Description)
Why this project?
According to the Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, suicide takes the lives of nearly 30, 000 Americans every year. Many of these people have never sought professional care. For young people ages 15-24 years old, suicide is the third leading cause of death. These are just some of the many disturbing statistics regarding suicide in the United States. Awareness of warning signs and other facts about suicide can help us really understand its causes and learn to prevent it from happening at all. On a personal note, Robin Williams’ suicide really moved me over this summer. In an article by Chris Dean that particularly hit the hard parts for me, he wrote: “These are the demons far too many people fight alone, because it’s OK to talk about the ones that make you funny, but not so much the ones that make your soul bleed. It’s the darkness that accompanies the deep depressions and the thoughts that scare the hell out of all of us touched by it. And it’s these that [Robin] lost his battle with." Sometimes sheer awareness of the difficult parts of life make us more ready to seek help for ourselves or for others.
According to the Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, suicide takes the lives of nearly 30, 000 Americans every year. Many of these people have never sought professional care. For young people ages 15-24 years old, suicide is the third leading cause of death. These are just some of the many disturbing statistics regarding suicide in the United States. Awareness of warning signs and other facts about suicide can help us really understand its causes and learn to prevent it from happening at all. On a personal note, Robin Williams’ suicide really moved me over this summer. In an article by Chris Dean that particularly hit the hard parts for me, he wrote: “These are the demons far too many people fight alone, because it’s OK to talk about the ones that make you funny, but not so much the ones that make your soul bleed. It’s the darkness that accompanies the deep depressions and the thoughts that scare the hell out of all of us touched by it. And it’s these that [Robin] lost his battle with." Sometimes sheer awareness of the difficult parts of life make us more ready to seek help for ourselves or for others.
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