Syllabi/Field Trips Forms/Maintenance
12 Angry Men Reading
12 Angry Men Packet
12 Angry Men Challenge Option
Writing Assessment (Baseline- Ungraded)
Worktime for your binders
Stamp for 1 Page Done
Finish ONE more page of your binder.
Schedule Your 5 Minute Appointment with Carol (Email her times that work for you!)
Quick Things To Note:
-Finish one more page. It doesn't have to be your final draft, but it should have all the elements. You have time to finish! The entire thing is not due until September 26th.
Syllabi/Field Trips Forms/Maintenance
12 Angry Men Reading
12 Angry Men Packet
12 Angry Men Challenge Option
Writing Assessment (Baseline- Ungraded)
Worktime for your binders
Stamp for 1 Page Done
Finish ONE more page of your binder.
Schedule Your 5 Minute Appointment with Carol (Email her times that work for you!)
Quick Things To Note:
-Finish one more page. It doesn't have to be your final draft, but it should have all the elements. You have time to finish! The entire thing is not due until September 26th.