Hour 1:
Complete the Story (How did you know?)
DP Overview
I will be stamping: Draft of Creative Writing Piece
DP Update Guidelines
-And Now For Some History
-12 Important Values
-The Atoms Family
-Mr. Schwartz's Math Update
Submit your DP as soon as possible! It was due yesterday! SUBMIT YOUR UP TO DATE DP!
Allie's DP --> Notice that she has a Writing Portfolio, And Now for Some History, and 12 Important Values in the Humanities section, and that she has put The Atoms Family Trees project in the Integrated Projects section! Well written and thorough reflections!!! Take a gander at hers.
Gus' DP --> Well written and thorough reflections. Notice that he is missing some photos but has put "Photos As Soon as I Get Them" so that he can get his full Work Ethic points today and finish it to completion later for full content points! Be sure to put The Atoms Family Trees project under Integrated Projects!
Andrew's DP --> Thorough writing! I like how Andrew brought in some photos that represented the project in addition to the photos of his work. Be sure to put The Atoms Family Trees project under Integrated Projects!
Mattia's DP --> Super fun bio and photos! His projects are filed in the correct places and he has the writing portfolio down! I also like how he thought outside of the box in terms of formatting and has the project description in the header before the reflection!
Andrea's DP --> Beautiful artistic photos! I loved how her writing connected her learning now to learning from the past and helped weave a story between past and present.
Hour 2:
Submit Digital Draft of Creative Writing Here
Critical Partners: Find your partner by clicking here!
*If for some reason your partner does not post their work, find another person's work to comment on to get your points!
Find your partner's work here: Comment on your critical partner's writing
*Please leave at least a 10 sentence comment addressing: 1) What is this writer doing well? What is interesting about this writing so far? 2) What are some spelling/grammar improvements that can be made? 3) Is the writing easy to read? Is the formatting something that you can access well or can this writer space out the thoughts into paragraphs or different pages or some other form? 4) Tell the writer what you think the point of the story is. What do you take away from the story that you've read? 5) What further questions do you have about this piece? Where are there holes in the story or improvements to be made?
*If for some reason your partner does not post their work, find another person's work to comment on to get your points!
Submit Digital Draft of Creative Writing Here
Find your partner's work here: Comment on your critical partner's writing
*Please leave at least a 10 sentence comment addressing: 1) What is this writer doing well? What is interesting about this writing so far? 2) What are some spelling/grammar improvements that can be made? 3) Is the writing easy to read? Is the formatting something that you can access well or can this writer space out the thoughts into paragraphs or different pages or some other form? 4) Tell the writer what you think the point of the story is. What do you take away from the story that you've read? 5) What further questions do you have about this piece? Where are there holes in the story or improvements to be made?
Continue working on DP- I will be checking for Content this weekend!
Reading Log #2 Due by Friday (I'll be grading them Saturday morning)
Civics/History Major Quiz on Friday! You may bring one notecard of notes!
November 16th, 2017
6-7pm~ Class 1 (Carol's first period)
7-8pm~ Class 2 (Carol's third period)
Complete the Story (How did you know?)
DP Overview
I will be stamping: Draft of Creative Writing Piece
DP Update Guidelines
-And Now For Some History
-12 Important Values
-The Atoms Family
-Mr. Schwartz's Math Update
Submit your DP as soon as possible! It was due yesterday! SUBMIT YOUR UP TO DATE DP!
Allie's DP --> Notice that she has a Writing Portfolio, And Now for Some History, and 12 Important Values in the Humanities section, and that she has put The Atoms Family Trees project in the Integrated Projects section! Well written and thorough reflections!!! Take a gander at hers.
Gus' DP --> Well written and thorough reflections. Notice that he is missing some photos but has put "Photos As Soon as I Get Them" so that he can get his full Work Ethic points today and finish it to completion later for full content points! Be sure to put The Atoms Family Trees project under Integrated Projects!
Andrew's DP --> Thorough writing! I like how Andrew brought in some photos that represented the project in addition to the photos of his work. Be sure to put The Atoms Family Trees project under Integrated Projects!
Mattia's DP --> Super fun bio and photos! His projects are filed in the correct places and he has the writing portfolio down! I also like how he thought outside of the box in terms of formatting and has the project description in the header before the reflection!
Andrea's DP --> Beautiful artistic photos! I loved how her writing connected her learning now to learning from the past and helped weave a story between past and present.
Hour 2:
Submit Digital Draft of Creative Writing Here
Critical Partners: Find your partner by clicking here!
*If for some reason your partner does not post their work, find another person's work to comment on to get your points!
Find your partner's work here: Comment on your critical partner's writing
*Please leave at least a 10 sentence comment addressing: 1) What is this writer doing well? What is interesting about this writing so far? 2) What are some spelling/grammar improvements that can be made? 3) Is the writing easy to read? Is the formatting something that you can access well or can this writer space out the thoughts into paragraphs or different pages or some other form? 4) Tell the writer what you think the point of the story is. What do you take away from the story that you've read? 5) What further questions do you have about this piece? Where are there holes in the story or improvements to be made?
*If for some reason your partner does not post their work, find another person's work to comment on to get your points!
Submit Digital Draft of Creative Writing Here
Find your partner's work here: Comment on your critical partner's writing
*Please leave at least a 10 sentence comment addressing: 1) What is this writer doing well? What is interesting about this writing so far? 2) What are some spelling/grammar improvements that can be made? 3) Is the writing easy to read? Is the formatting something that you can access well or can this writer space out the thoughts into paragraphs or different pages or some other form? 4) Tell the writer what you think the point of the story is. What do you take away from the story that you've read? 5) What further questions do you have about this piece? Where are there holes in the story or improvements to be made?
Continue working on DP- I will be checking for Content this weekend!
Reading Log #2 Due by Friday (I'll be grading them Saturday morning)
Civics/History Major Quiz on Friday! You may bring one notecard of notes!
November 16th, 2017
6-7pm~ Class 1 (Carol's first period)
7-8pm~ Class 2 (Carol's third period)