Thank you all so much for being wonderful audience members. The actors, designers, crew, production team, Ruff and I were very grateful for your rapt attention. I hope you enjoyed watching the shows and that you were able to appreciate the pieces by writers approximately your age--11 and 17 year olds wrote those pieces! If you didn't enjoy it and feel you have better stories up your sleeve, I'm excited to see it come out when we tackle that last project!!! I hope that next year, I'm taking our students to watch one of your plays :)
1. Due by END OF CLASS: Playwright's Project Survey
2. Get together in your mythology teams. Take out your homework from two nights ago. Go over all of your homework and together, submit ONE of these for credit as a team:
Due by END OF DAY: Mythology Step 1 Survey Submission
3. Due by MONDAY, 8:30am: Mobile Design Worksheet
Talk to your team! Tomorrow, you will take the Renaissance Reading test, so be sure to split the homework evenly so that you can have that Mobile Design Worksheet ready to go by Monday morning!
1. Due by END OF CLASS: Playwright's Project Survey
2. Get together in your mythology teams. Take out your homework from two nights ago. Go over all of your homework and together, submit ONE of these for credit as a team:
Due by END OF DAY: Mythology Step 1 Survey Submission
3. Due by MONDAY, 8:30am: Mobile Design Worksheet
Talk to your team! Tomorrow, you will take the Renaissance Reading test, so be sure to split the homework evenly so that you can have that Mobile Design Worksheet ready to go by Monday morning!