Paragraph on Lesson for Origin Story
Lessons for Your Origin Story:
1. Metaphorical- not literal.
2. Your story should SHOW us this lesson, not just say it out loud.
3. Turn to the person beside you and talk about the lesson your story will teach and summarize your ideas for your story.
Eurydice Reading
Create an origin story
Origin Assignments
1. Due Tomorrow: Tonight, talk to a parent or trusted about their favorite story from their childhood. Ask what it is about even if you think you know- they may remember details you do not and summarize it in a way you would not. Ask them why they like this story. Write one paragraph about this conversation and share it via googledocs or bring it in handwritten.
2. (Optional) Challenge Option #3: Read this article. Write a 1 page paper, double spaced, in MLA format where you draw 3 quotes from the article and explain what strikes you about each quote:
3. Due Friday: Reading Log
4. Due Tuesday: Draft 1 of Your Origin Story
Work Ethic Makeup Points/Volunteer Work:
1. Take down the We Got Style Display (3 points)
2. Bring the Dreamlight Letters to the trash can (3 points)
3. Create a display with the postcards that our class made for independent reading (3 points)
Extra Things:
Teacher Innovation Awards
1/16- MLK
1/17- Seasons Changing
1/18- Children's Story Analysis