Team Time!
Hour 1.
~Journal: Explain how you work in teams. How do you solve conflict? What makes a good group member? What makes a bad group member?/attendance
~Test taking set-ups
~Math Diagnostic/Computer Sign-In
~Normal Set-up
~Planet Activity
~Planet Activity Share-Out
Hour 2.
~Class Declaration Project: As a class, we will write a Declaration of Class Norms. We will do this by thinking through things ourselves, and then in groups, and then finally as an entire team. We will pattern the writing after the United States Constitution, with a preamble, 1 Article and 10 Sections. This declaration will be signed by everyone in our classroom this Friday.
~Journal: Write 3 things that are true about a good classroom where people are learning. Write 3 things that happen in bad classrooms where people are not learning.
~Group Share: Divide your sheet in half with a good classroom section and a bad classroom section. Then, write down briefly what each member came up with. As a team, come up with 2 more good things and bad things.
~Silent Think-Time: In bullet points, write things that good teachers do. What do you expect from good teachers? Mr. Schwartz and Ms. Cabrera will do the same for what good students do and what we expect from good students!
~Share Out: Teacher/Student/Classroom Expectations
~Remind about Field Trip Forms
Humanities Hour.
~Silently, take out your computer, and go to
~Click the Daily Schedule tab
~Click HERE, then click "Try to Vote". Explore the different options! Try to understand what it was like to vote. Do this silently and be sure to fill out this form for your points:
~Attendance/Collect Syllabus
~Literary Anthropologists
~London, Paris, Rome Informational Meeting
~Discussion of History Bite
~Moral Compass Project
~Chapter 2 of TKAM
~TKAM Homework Packet #1
Hour 1.
~Journal: Explain how you work in teams. How do you solve conflict? What makes a good group member? What makes a bad group member?/attendance
~Test taking set-ups
~Math Diagnostic/Computer Sign-In
~Normal Set-up
~Planet Activity
~Planet Activity Share-Out
Hour 2.
~Class Declaration Project: As a class, we will write a Declaration of Class Norms. We will do this by thinking through things ourselves, and then in groups, and then finally as an entire team. We will pattern the writing after the United States Constitution, with a preamble, 1 Article and 10 Sections. This declaration will be signed by everyone in our classroom this Friday.
~Journal: Write 3 things that are true about a good classroom where people are learning. Write 3 things that happen in bad classrooms where people are not learning.
~Group Share: Divide your sheet in half with a good classroom section and a bad classroom section. Then, write down briefly what each member came up with. As a team, come up with 2 more good things and bad things.
~Silent Think-Time: In bullet points, write things that good teachers do. What do you expect from good teachers? Mr. Schwartz and Ms. Cabrera will do the same for what good students do and what we expect from good students!
~Share Out: Teacher/Student/Classroom Expectations
~Remind about Field Trip Forms
Humanities Hour.
~Silently, take out your computer, and go to
~Click the Daily Schedule tab
~Click HERE, then click "Try to Vote". Explore the different options! Try to understand what it was like to vote. Do this silently and be sure to fill out this form for your points:
~Attendance/Collect Syllabus
~Literary Anthropologists
~London, Paris, Rome Informational Meeting
~Discussion of History Bite
~Moral Compass Project
~Chapter 2 of TKAM
~TKAM Homework Packet #1