Hour 1:
Reminders: Challenge Option Books and Options/Due Dates
Do Something with We Happen Group (Independent)- Due by May 1st, 2017
Continued presentations #3: What happened to the revolutionary ideas that emerged from this revolution? Are they still alive? In what format do they exist today?
Rubric for CYOA Layers
Read-A-Loud Revisions
Discussion- Return to the driving questions:
*Why do revolutions happen and how do they happen?
*How does life change politically, culturally, physically, emotionally as a result of a revolution?
*When is it okay to limit personal freedoms?
*Which personal freedom are you willing to give up and what should society gain in return?
*What would society look like if it were on the brink of a revolution? How would it look if we were very far from a revolution?
*What revolutions do I see in contemporary society? Are there any that I feel I am or should be a part of?
Submit your CYOA tale here if you didn't do so already! HERE!
Check out other groups' CYOA stories here: Here!
Hour 2 & 3:
Work time to build pieces for your roller coaster
Work time to build pieces for your roller coaster
Project Description
Project Grouping
Finish your Weebly website
Finish your roller coaster!
Reminders: Challenge Option Books and Options/Due Dates
Do Something with We Happen Group (Independent)- Due by May 1st, 2017
Continued presentations #3: What happened to the revolutionary ideas that emerged from this revolution? Are they still alive? In what format do they exist today?
Rubric for CYOA Layers
Read-A-Loud Revisions
Discussion- Return to the driving questions:
*Why do revolutions happen and how do they happen?
*How does life change politically, culturally, physically, emotionally as a result of a revolution?
*When is it okay to limit personal freedoms?
*Which personal freedom are you willing to give up and what should society gain in return?
*What would society look like if it were on the brink of a revolution? How would it look if we were very far from a revolution?
*What revolutions do I see in contemporary society? Are there any that I feel I am or should be a part of?
Submit your CYOA tale here if you didn't do so already! HERE!
Check out other groups' CYOA stories here: Here!
Hour 2 & 3:
Work time to build pieces for your roller coaster
Work time to build pieces for your roller coaster
Project Description
Project Grouping
Finish your Weebly website
Finish your roller coaster!