Team Time:
Persepolis Quiz #2
Belmont Park Debrief: Belmont Park Notes
Plot Pyramid Review
Due End of Hour: Plot Pyramid for Our Main Revolution Story
Humanities Hour:
Project Description
Project Grouping
Presentation #2 Preparation: Who are the two opposing forces in this revolution? How do their ideas differ and why do they clash? What are 5 key events that occurred during this revolution?
Challenge Option Books and Options/Due Dates
Presentation #2 Preparation/Research
Revolution Story Work
Persepolis Quiz #2
Belmont Park Debrief: Belmont Park Notes
Plot Pyramid Review
Due End of Hour: Plot Pyramid for Our Main Revolution Story
Humanities Hour:
Project Description
Project Grouping
Presentation #2 Preparation: Who are the two opposing forces in this revolution? How do their ideas differ and why do they clash? What are 5 key events that occurred during this revolution?
Challenge Option Books and Options/Due Dates
Presentation #2 Preparation/Research
Revolution Story Work