Team Time (2 hours)
Tallest Structure
Equity Discussion
Clean up Tallest Structure
5 minute break
Camping Permission Slips/Expectations, etc.
Grouping for Project (Groups of 3)
In your groups:
1. Decide on word
2. Work on: 3 symbols, 3 people who exemplify your trait/behavior, 3 questions to push thinking*
Goal: Get at least 3 things decided
Humanities (1 hour)
Syllabus collection
12 Angry Men Reading: p. 18-p. 32
12 Angry Men Homework Packet
Project Work time
Extension Questions for Home:
1. How did you do on your quiz today? Did you feel successful? Why or why not? What can you do better tomorrow?
2. How is your group working together for the Equity-librium project? Are you communicating well? What could go better?
3. What is equity? How is equity different from equality? What does it mean to have an equitable learning environment? What about an equitable world?
Tallest Structure
Equity Discussion
Clean up Tallest Structure
5 minute break
Camping Permission Slips/Expectations, etc.
Grouping for Project (Groups of 3)
In your groups:
1. Decide on word
2. Work on: 3 symbols, 3 people who exemplify your trait/behavior, 3 questions to push thinking*
Goal: Get at least 3 things decided
Humanities (1 hour)
Syllabus collection
12 Angry Men Reading: p. 18-p. 32
12 Angry Men Homework Packet
Project Work time
Extension Questions for Home:
1. How did you do on your quiz today? Did you feel successful? Why or why not? What can you do better tomorrow?
2. How is your group working together for the Equity-librium project? Are you communicating well? What could go better?
3. What is equity? How is equity different from equality? What does it mean to have an equitable learning environment? What about an equitable world?