Week of December 9th:
Hello 9th Grade & Families!
Exhibition is NEXT WEEK! We are so excited! Mark your calendars! We will see you all at 5:30pm on December 19th!
*Collin H. wrote a letter to Home Depot and got a $50 discount on supplies for their exhibition project! Great job thinking about getting supplies in a different and unique way and going above and beyond!
*Kione returned from feeling sick and jumped straight back into the project, working on his circuit and working after school to catch up. We’re so proud of you!
*Howard/Amarillas/Charley team went to Tempest! They were all so open to new experiences and bonded as a whole team! Great job trying something new all!
Both teams will be adding onto this document over this week. If you are able to donate or loan any of the items listed, please send them to school with your student and send us an email that it's coming so we can keep an eye out for them!!! We thank you so much for helping!!! DONATION SHEET: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ydHTgGsJ9D1B5xTXCiVNpYU1_hd4tqE-l90hcsWUMV0/edit?usp=sharing
Students on the Carol/Shwartz team will continue reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho this week. If you are able to purchase and bring this book to class, please do so.
Talk to your students about what your wearable circuit is. Help your students get supplies for their project, and please email Kurt at [email protected] if there is anything you cannot access.
Visit Ms. Sara and Ms. Jamie after school for some support in your classes! Your teachers are also available for one on one help during office hours! Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch is academic support in the conference room upstairs with Katelin, Jamie, and Sara! Head over there during lunch if you need some support!
December 10th from 5-6pm in Mr. Schwartz’s classroom is our Info-Session from the Vista Community Clinic for our Making Proud Choices/Health Education for 9th graders that will happen from January 7th-January 17th. Please note that students are required to do Health Education unless parents opt them out.
January 7th-January 17th, 2020 is our Making Proud Choices/Health Education for 9th graders. It is mandated by the state of California. Students are required to do Health Education unless parents opt them out.
Students will come home with (or have already picked up) their syllabi for their classes. In each syllabus is a supply list for that class. Please bring the required items to class each day, or email [email protected] or [email protected] (your student’s Humanities teacher) if you are unable to provide the items and we will take care of it for your student.
Check in with your student’s advisor to schedule your home visit!
Upcoming Dates to Note
December 10th
5-6pm Parent Info-Session for Making Proud Choices/Health Education in Mr. Schwartz’s Classroom
December 19th
Schoolwide Exhibition at HTHNC
December 20th
Half Day
December 21st-January 6th
Winter Holidays
January 12th
First Semester Ends. Be sure to stay on top of your grades and be in touch with your teachers!
January 13th
Second Semester Begins
January 7th-January 17th
Making Proud Choices/Health Education
What’s Happening In Class This Week?
Carol: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Exhibition Project, Ind. Reading
Howard: History of Television & Game Shows, Game Show Exhibition
Mike: Game Show Work Time
Schwartz: Circuits, Exhibition
Mike: Graphing
Schwartz: Ohm’s Law
Art with Mr. Jacob
Mike/Howard Team: Exhibition Production
Carol/Schwartz Team: Exhibition Production
Thank you! Please keep in touch with us with any questions or comments.
~Carol Cabrera, Kurt Schwartz, Jennifer Howard, Mike Amarillas, Alden Walters, Jamie West, Charley Jacob, Sarah Sandoval, Katelin Swan
Hello 9th Grade & Families!
Exhibition is NEXT WEEK! We are so excited! Mark your calendars! We will see you all at 5:30pm on December 19th!
*Collin H. wrote a letter to Home Depot and got a $50 discount on supplies for their exhibition project! Great job thinking about getting supplies in a different and unique way and going above and beyond!
*Kione returned from feeling sick and jumped straight back into the project, working on his circuit and working after school to catch up. We’re so proud of you!
*Howard/Amarillas/Charley team went to Tempest! They were all so open to new experiences and bonded as a whole team! Great job trying something new all!
Both teams will be adding onto this document over this week. If you are able to donate or loan any of the items listed, please send them to school with your student and send us an email that it's coming so we can keep an eye out for them!!! We thank you so much for helping!!! DONATION SHEET: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ydHTgGsJ9D1B5xTXCiVNpYU1_hd4tqE-l90hcsWUMV0/edit?usp=sharing
Students on the Carol/Shwartz team will continue reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho this week. If you are able to purchase and bring this book to class, please do so.
Talk to your students about what your wearable circuit is. Help your students get supplies for their project, and please email Kurt at [email protected] if there is anything you cannot access.
Visit Ms. Sara and Ms. Jamie after school for some support in your classes! Your teachers are also available for one on one help during office hours! Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch is academic support in the conference room upstairs with Katelin, Jamie, and Sara! Head over there during lunch if you need some support!
December 10th from 5-6pm in Mr. Schwartz’s classroom is our Info-Session from the Vista Community Clinic for our Making Proud Choices/Health Education for 9th graders that will happen from January 7th-January 17th. Please note that students are required to do Health Education unless parents opt them out.
January 7th-January 17th, 2020 is our Making Proud Choices/Health Education for 9th graders. It is mandated by the state of California. Students are required to do Health Education unless parents opt them out.
Students will come home with (or have already picked up) their syllabi for their classes. In each syllabus is a supply list for that class. Please bring the required items to class each day, or email [email protected] or [email protected] (your student’s Humanities teacher) if you are unable to provide the items and we will take care of it for your student.
Check in with your student’s advisor to schedule your home visit!
Upcoming Dates to Note
December 10th
5-6pm Parent Info-Session for Making Proud Choices/Health Education in Mr. Schwartz’s Classroom
December 19th
Schoolwide Exhibition at HTHNC
December 20th
Half Day
December 21st-January 6th
Winter Holidays
January 12th
First Semester Ends. Be sure to stay on top of your grades and be in touch with your teachers!
January 13th
Second Semester Begins
January 7th-January 17th
Making Proud Choices/Health Education
What’s Happening In Class This Week?
Carol: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Exhibition Project, Ind. Reading
Howard: History of Television & Game Shows, Game Show Exhibition
Mike: Game Show Work Time
Schwartz: Circuits, Exhibition
Mike: Graphing
Schwartz: Ohm’s Law
Art with Mr. Jacob
Mike/Howard Team: Exhibition Production
Carol/Schwartz Team: Exhibition Production
Thank you! Please keep in touch with us with any questions or comments.
~Carol Cabrera, Kurt Schwartz, Jennifer Howard, Mike Amarillas, Alden Walters, Jamie West, Charley Jacob, Sarah Sandoval, Katelin Swan