In the assigned reading, do the following:
1. QUOTE: Choose one quote that stands out to you from the text from the types of play discussed in this section that stands out to you the most. Your options in this section are: Attunement, Body and Movement Play, Object Play,Imaginative Play, Social Play, Friendship and Belonging, Rough and Tumble Play, Celebratory and Ritual Play, Storytelling and Narrative Play, Transformative-Integrative and Creative Play. Type this quote out in your log, along with what page it is on (in MLA format).
2. TEXT TO SELF: What is the earliest memory you have doing the kind of play that you identified above? How old were you? How were you playing? Why do you think you remember this?
3. COMPREHENSION & COMMENTARY: You read about the life and death of Charles Whitman in this section. What did you learn about Charles Whitman and how do you respond to his story and the way it was told in this section? What do you feel about what you read? Can you connect it to anything beyond the text? Another text? Our society and the world?
You should respond to at least one other students' Play Reading Log #2 by January 15th.
Response Requirements: Your response should be a minimum of 3 sentences and should comment on what the original poster said, connecting it to your own life or other things in our society and the world. Your response can also push the original poster by posing further questions.
PS. I'll be contributing to this as well so you can read my log as an example!