In the assigned reading, do the following:
1. QUOTE: Choose one quote that stands out to you from the text from the Play Personality that you most identify with: The Joker, The Kinesthete, The Explorer, The Competitor, The Director, The Collector, The Artist/Creator, The Storyteller.. Type this quote out in your log, along with what page it is on (in MLA format).
2. CONNECTION: Connect the quote that you are reading to something beyond the text.
3. COMMENTARY: How can you connect this quote to current events, to the past, or to the future? What personal connections can you draw to this quote? Does the quote or do anything in the assigned pages tonight remind you of anyone or anything in your own life? How does any part of this connect to any other areas of your learning? What other relationships/connections can you draw between these two chapters and your life, the world, other literature, history, or other art?
You should respond to at least one other students' Play Reading Log #1 by January 10th.
Response Requirements: Your response should be a minimum of 3 sentences and should comment on what the original poster said, connecting it to your own life or other things in our society and the world. Your response can also push the original poster by posing further questions.
PS. I'll be contributing to this as well so you can read my log as an example!