Journal: Andrew Stanton says about storytelling: "Make me care." Why should we care about your character? Your story? What about your characters should we like or root for? What about the story is unique or honest?
Pixar's Rules for Storytelling
Read On the Mississippi by Ben Jacobi (In Parts)
Abe Reiter's Play from Elective
Makayla's Play from Intersession
Work time for the play!
Setting up the play: Make sure you have your FTF statement and your Honest Emotion commented on your document
Carol's Example of Play
Turn in your public link
Critical Friends
Read what your critical friend has so far. Leave at least 3 "Pops"- things that stand out, as comments on the document. Explain why these things stand out and why you think they're good.
Pixar's Rules for Storytelling
Read On the Mississippi by Ben Jacobi (In Parts)
Abe Reiter's Play from Elective
Makayla's Play from Intersession
Work time for the play!
Setting up the play: Make sure you have your FTF statement and your Honest Emotion commented on your document
Carol's Example of Play
Turn in your public link
Critical Friends
Read what your critical friend has so far. Leave at least 3 "Pops"- things that stand out, as comments on the document. Explain why these things stand out and why you think they're good.