Either continue the story that you started yesterday OR begin a new story
Visiting Guests~ spoken word artists~
Period 2- Sydney Luke-Hamasaki
Period 3- Justin Walker
Period 4- Sarah Hardin
~Finish spoken word piece and mp3 script
Spoken Word Groups
Spoken Word Task List
mp3 Script Template
~2 more annotated articles
~Binder due on Monday
~Final mp3 Script due Monday
~Monday and Tuesday --> partner presentations of spoken word (practice!!!)
Either continue the story that you started yesterday OR begin a new story
Visiting Guests~ spoken word artists~
Period 2- Sydney Luke-Hamasaki
Period 3- Justin Walker
Period 4- Sarah Hardin
~Finish spoken word piece and mp3 script
Spoken Word Groups
Spoken Word Task List
mp3 Script Template
~2 more annotated articles
~Binder due on Monday
~Final mp3 Script due Monday
~Monday and Tuesday --> partner presentations of spoken word (practice!!!)