Sit beside your partner
Socrative: My Room Number is b1051307
Conflict Presentation Guidelines
The Long Term Plan for this Project:
Week 1: Technology Deep-Dive Packet
*End Product: Op-Ed
Week 2: Culture Deep-Dive
*Culture Presentation with Partner
Week 3: Conflict Deep-Dive
*Conflict Presentation with Partner
Week 4: Politics Deep Dive
*Politics Presentation with Partner
Continue working on your presentation
Socrative: My Room Number is b1051307
Conflict Presentation Guidelines
The Long Term Plan for this Project:
Week 1: Technology Deep-Dive Packet
*End Product: Op-Ed
Week 2: Culture Deep-Dive
*Culture Presentation with Partner
Week 3: Conflict Deep-Dive
*Conflict Presentation with Partner
Week 4: Politics Deep Dive
*Politics Presentation with Partner
Continue working on your presentation