Write a cover letter for the CA Playwright's Project following this format
Submit your play to the California Playwright's Project by this Friday. Forward your confirmation email to Carol for class credit.
Submit your Food Writing to Chipotle using this form by Friday. Forward your confirmation email to Carol for class credit.
Your Humanities Class and Seminar class have official merged for the rest of the year!
This week/next week:
1st class. Focused rehearsal time with Molly & Carol
2nd class. Split rehearsal time in assigned locations
June 10th and 12th:
June 10 Showcase 1- 7pm-8:30pm
June 12 Showcase 2- 7pm- 8:30pm
Submit your play to the California Playwright's Project by this Friday. Forward your confirmation email to Carol for class credit.
Submit your Food Writing to Chipotle using this form by Friday. Forward your confirmation email to Carol for class credit.
Your Humanities Class and Seminar class have official merged for the rest of the year!
This week/next week:
1st class. Focused rehearsal time with Molly & Carol
2nd class. Split rehearsal time in assigned locations
June 10th and 12th:
June 10 Showcase 1- 7pm-8:30pm
June 12 Showcase 2- 7pm- 8:30pm