1. Please bring your No Fear Shakespeare edition of Romeo & Juliet to class as soon as we get back. We will be beginning it IMMEDIATELY and likely finishing it within 2 weeks.
2. Be sure you update your DPs with your reflections for both the board game project and the Tales of Resilience Project.
For the Tales of Resilience answering the following questions:
**Remember that your final products were your Mango Street Essay, your Stamp Art, your Vignette writing. You can order the final book here (www.amazon.com/Tales-Resilience-Breaking-Domestic-Violence/dp/1505993075)
a. Describe the project. What did you do? Who was it for? What was the purpose for the
b. Who was your partner? How well did you collaborate? What evidence do you have?
c. The Pride Factor! How proud are you were of your work? Why?
d. What are your key takeaways for this project? What did you learn? What will you remember?
e. Include at least two photos of this project
Here is the form to turn in your links to all these project updates. Be sure your proofread! https://docs.google.com/a/hightechhigh.org/forms/d/1pw8nRvEo9jSDQB0b5ELMiH1eA_fyxYC93JqGXM7Fbcg/viewform?usp=send_form
2. Be sure you update your DPs with your reflections for both the board game project and the Tales of Resilience Project.
For the Tales of Resilience answering the following questions:
**Remember that your final products were your Mango Street Essay, your Stamp Art, your Vignette writing. You can order the final book here (www.amazon.com/Tales-Resilience-Breaking-Domestic-Violence/dp/1505993075)
a. Describe the project. What did you do? Who was it for? What was the purpose for the
b. Who was your partner? How well did you collaborate? What evidence do you have?
c. The Pride Factor! How proud are you were of your work? Why?
d. What are your key takeaways for this project? What did you learn? What will you remember?
e. Include at least two photos of this project
Here is the form to turn in your links to all these project updates. Be sure your proofread! https://docs.google.com/a/hightechhigh.org/forms/d/1pw8nRvEo9jSDQB0b5ELMiH1eA_fyxYC93JqGXM7Fbcg/viewform?usp=send_form