Journal: Pick another emotion that you can explain and prove exists through personal anecdotes. Write about the specific moments in your life that are evidence that you understand that feeling.
Pixar's Rules for Storytelling
Andrew Stanton
Read On the Mississippi by Ben Jacobi (In Parts)
Abe Reiter's Play from Elective
Makayla's Play from Intersession
FTF Statements
Worktime for the play!
Setting up the play
Carol's Example of Play
Write at least 3 pages of your play
Pixar's Rules for Storytelling
Andrew Stanton
Read On the Mississippi by Ben Jacobi (In Parts)
Abe Reiter's Play from Elective
Makayla's Play from Intersession
FTF Statements
Worktime for the play!
Setting up the play
Carol's Example of Play
Write at least 3 pages of your play