Artist Statement Guide
Font: Georgia
Single Spaced
Size 12
All group member names and name of art piece at the top
1 inch margins
Week #4 February
Independent Reading
Vocabulary Quiz
Fahrenheit 451 Full Text
For Arlene, Bear, Denise:
Begin reading: Brave New World Full Text
Brave New World Writing
Pops/Questions/What If?
The Other Side by Nicholas Clark
Untitled by Audra Gomez
Untitled by True Allard
The Lost & The Found by Austin Donnager
The Winning Shot by JJ Hope Hernandez
The Unlucky Leprechaun by Justin Gans
Untitled by Chloe Fermin
Untitled by Rileigh Haar
Work Time:
Binders are past due! Make your appointment & work on your Binder: A Visual Representation of Me (Due ASAP, no later than Feb. 26)
Play Work Time:
Play Format: Make a Copy, Make Your Name the Title, & Share With Carol
Independent Reading Tracker
Waves of Surveillance Project
1. Waves of Surveillance Project
2. Continue working on your play, finessing it, and making it something you are proud of!
Past Due:
Work on and schedule your appointment with Carol for your project, A Visual Representation of Me (Due ASAP, no later than 3:30pm on Feb. 26)
Artist Statement Guide
Font: Georgia
Single Spaced
Size 12
All group member names and name of art piece at the top
1 inch margins
Week #4 February
Independent Reading
Vocabulary Quiz
Fahrenheit 451 Full Text
For Arlene, Bear, Denise:
Begin reading: Brave New World Full Text
Brave New World Writing
Pops/Questions/What If?
The Other Side by Nicholas Clark
Untitled by Audra Gomez
Untitled by True Allard
The Lost & The Found by Austin Donnager
The Winning Shot by JJ Hope Hernandez
The Unlucky Leprechaun by Justin Gans
Untitled by Chloe Fermin
Untitled by Rileigh Haar
Work Time:
Binders are past due! Make your appointment & work on your Binder: A Visual Representation of Me (Due ASAP, no later than Feb. 26)
Play Work Time:
Play Format: Make a Copy, Make Your Name the Title, & Share With Carol
Independent Reading Tracker
Waves of Surveillance Project
1. Waves of Surveillance Project
2. Continue working on your play, finessing it, and making it something you are proud of!
Past Due:
Work on and schedule your appointment with Carol for your project, A Visual Representation of Me (Due ASAP, no later than 3:30pm on Feb. 26)