Hour 1:
Game Play
Hour 2:
Physics Movie Project Time
Submit your Supreme Court Case work
Week #4 2018/2019
Index Card: One thing you learned & one question you still have
Supreme Court Collaboration Grading
None for tomorrow
Due Friday:
1 page MLA Paper on Friday: Where does your name come from? What does it mean? What are its origins? Are there any notable people who you share your name with? How do you feel sharing your name with this person? Why did your parents choose this name for you? Or perhaps you have another name you go by--how did you get this name? Why did you choose to go by this nickname? What nicknames do you have? How did you get each of those names?
Game Play
Hour 2:
Physics Movie Project Time
Submit your Supreme Court Case work
Week #4 2018/2019
Index Card: One thing you learned & one question you still have
Supreme Court Collaboration Grading
None for tomorrow
Due Friday:
1 page MLA Paper on Friday: Where does your name come from? What does it mean? What are its origins? Are there any notable people who you share your name with? How do you feel sharing your name with this person? Why did your parents choose this name for you? Or perhaps you have another name you go by--how did you get this name? Why did you choose to go by this nickname? What nicknames do you have? How did you get each of those names?