Field Trip!
Old Town: Ghosts & Gravestones
1. Due on Friday: 1 page response paper on the Ghosts & Gravestones Tour~ What did you experience? What was your favorite story? Why? What made this story stand out? Which site did you like hearing stories out at the most? How was your field time like in Old Town? Where did you eat? What did you see? How did you spend your free time? What stood out to you?
2. Read And Then There Were None until page 110, or until a few pages until Chapter 7 or until the section:
"It was a great shock to me. Her parents were decent folk, too, who had brought her up very strictly. I'm glad to say they did not condone her behaviour."
Old Town: Ghosts & Gravestones
1. Due on Friday: 1 page response paper on the Ghosts & Gravestones Tour~ What did you experience? What was your favorite story? Why? What made this story stand out? Which site did you like hearing stories out at the most? How was your field time like in Old Town? Where did you eat? What did you see? How did you spend your free time? What stood out to you?
2. Read And Then There Were None until page 110, or until a few pages until Chapter 7 or until the section:
"It was a great shock to me. Her parents were decent folk, too, who had brought her up very strictly. I'm glad to say they did not condone her behaviour."