"Your organization and I are not in agreement in our political and economic views," Samuel Leibowitz wrote the ILD, but he would take the case to "defend the basic rights of man."
This is an excerpt from an informational packet about the Scottsboro Boys. In this trial, 9 black boys were accused of assault by 2 white females. Ultimately, all 9 boys are convicted in one way or another. This quote really moves me because of how similar it is to something Atticus Finch would say in To Kill a Mockingbird. It moves me even moreso because Samuel Leibowitz was a real guy-a real-life, really good lawyer, who took this case out of a protection of the sheer humanity of these men. He, like Atticus, knew that he would lose.
There are a lot of things that I attempt to do in my life that I likely won't succeed at in a short amount of time. I spent two years in the south trying to fight the achievement gap, and I spent years trying to make theatre the cool kid thing to do. Like these men, I begin the tasks anyway, even knowing that I'll lose... because like Atticus and Samuel--it has to
This is an excerpt from an informational packet about the Scottsboro Boys. In this trial, 9 black boys were accused of assault by 2 white females. Ultimately, all 9 boys are convicted in one way or another. This quote really moves me because of how similar it is to something Atticus Finch would say in To Kill a Mockingbird. It moves me even moreso because Samuel Leibowitz was a real guy-a real-life, really good lawyer, who took this case out of a protection of the sheer humanity of these men. He, like Atticus, knew that he would lose.
There are a lot of things that I attempt to do in my life that I likely won't succeed at in a short amount of time. I spent two years in the south trying to fight the achievement gap, and I spent years trying to make theatre the cool kid thing to do. Like these men, I begin the tasks anyway, even knowing that I'll lose... because like Atticus and Samuel--it has to