1. Give us the title and author of the book you are reading as well as how far along you are in it (in the middle, towards the end, finishing up).
2. In a paragraph, draw a comparison between a theme, a character, an idea, a plot moment, or any other element of literature (writing style, diction, syntax, etc.) between what you are reading and one of the texts that we have read as a class.
For example:
"I am reading The Fault in Our Stars, and the main character, Augustus, is funny and cheeky. He even has a cigarette in his mouth all the time to feel rebellious, even though he never smokes it. Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet is very funny, and like Augustus, his death affects all the characters in the book."
For credit for collaboration
1) Read one classmate's post
2) Respond to their post with another connection you can make to another character, another piece of literature or art, or something that has happened in your own life.
For example:
"I liked reading The Fault in Our Stars as well! I think it's very interesting in the book when they talk about how small we are in the universe, but how much purpose we can have--that there are different kinds of infinities. I am reading a poetry book called 'How Small We Are' by Will Birch and it also reminds me of how small we are in the world."
"I can connect to how funny Augustus and Mercutio are. I try really hard to be funny and I watch a lot of stand up comedy. I think Aziz Ansari is a funny character and have enjoyed watching him in Parks and Rec and in Master of None."