Opening prompt: Write a monologue from any perspective that starts out with the line "My teacher trapped me in the room."
Critique Session for Plays~ Isaiah McGuire Critique Session for Plays~ Erick Medina Critique Session for Plays~ Tyler Lundhagen Critique Session for Plays~ John Contreras As many critique sessions as possible! Worktime for Play Collect Action Research Forms Grab a computer and your notebook:
In your notebook OR in an email to me, please answer the following questions: Question One: In the play that you are writing, what character do you identify most with and why? What about in someone else's play? What about in a play that you have read for class or during another class? Question Two: Imagine something. Anything. You can make up a story or you can make up a world or make up a character or make up an invention or make up a word and explain it or... the possibilities are endless! Critique Session for Plays~ Megan Lambert Critique Session for Plays~ Elise Olive Critique Session for Plays~ Isaiah McGuire Critique Session for Plays~ Erick Medina Critique Session for Plays~ Tyler Lundhagen Critique Session for Plays~ John Contreras As many critique sessions as possible! Collect Action Research Forms Can some people stay after school and chat? You can work on your play while other people talk to me! Also, can people hang out after school next Tuesday? I'll bring some treats in! Grab a computer and your notebook:
In your notebook OR in an email to me, please answer the following questions: Question One: Which activity have we done in class help you develop your play the most? Why? How? How do you know that your play is improving? Here are some ideas of activities we have done, but if you can think of something else, definitely please point it out: 1. What If? Activity 2. Thinking up settings 3. Discussing Wants/Fears 4. Reading published plays 5. Reading other students' final plays 6. Reading one another's plays 7. One on one feedback with Carol 8. Feedback from a peer in the group 9. Having your play read out loud by the group 10. Having your play discussed/critiqued in the Pops/Questions/WhatIf? Format 11. Writing monologues 12. Discussing character tactics (the ways a character goes about getting his or her objective) 13. Writing What If?s for your own play 14. FTF Statements (First, Then, Finally) 15. Seeing quotes/talks from great playwrights Question Two: Of the same choices above (and of course, if you can think of others, please feel free to discuss them), what activities have helped you develop your personal voice/style as a writer? Distinguish this between the first question that helped you develop your play. Which activities helped you develop and explore your own voice? Critique Session for Plays~ Megan Lambert Critique Session for Plays~ Natasha Oslinger Critique Session for Plays~ Elise Olive Critique Session for Plays~ Isaiah McGuire As many critique sessions as possible! Collect Action Research Forms Can some people stay after school and chat? You can work on your play while other people talk to me! Also, can people hang out after school next Tuesday? I'll bring some treats in! Grab a computer and your notebook.
If you did NOT respond to the email exit card, open up your notebook and answer it now: 1. What did you find useful about reading Kristy's play and participating in a critique session? 2. Write about another student in the class that you have come to appreciate better than before this elective (so before reading plays/participating in critique/analysis of plays/writing plays). Why? What?s the story? If you DID respond to the email exit card, open up your computer and continue working on your play!!! Critique sessions today and tomorrow and a full draft due on Thursday!!! Critique Session #2 for Plays~ Joshua Herzler Critique Session #3 for Plays~ Natasha Oslinger Critique Session #4 for Plays~ Megan Lambert Critique Session #5 for Plays~ Elise Olive Critique Session #6 for Plays~ Isaiah McGuire Critique Session #7 for Plays~ Abraham Reiter Collect Action Research Plays 3 minute "What if?" Questions
Collect Action Research Forms Share out FTF Statements Worktime for Play Critique Session #1 for Plays FTF Statements: First_________. Then, _________. Finally, ___________.
Worktime for one-act plays. ALL FIRST DRAFTS are DUE April 23rd, NO EXCEPTIONS! EQ Surveys on May 1st (Gotta get it done, guys!) Journal Entry:
Monologue critiquing or monologue writing Collect forms for action research Pull out overheard conversations Reading a monologue out loud Identifying Conflict Read a piece of The Language Archive Listing Wants/Fears Homework: One line for each of the pyramid: 1. Exposition 2. Inciting Incident 3. Rising Action 4. Climax 5. Falling Action 6. Journal Entry:
Let's look at your character Objective/Want/Obstacles. What do you think? Collect forms for action research Pull out overheard conversations Developing Questions Read a piece of The Language Archive Discussing Monologue/Character Development Character Description + Character Greatest Want Homework: Write a monologue from the perspective of your character Journal Entry:
Over the weekend, you should have observed the world! Take some time to describe a moment that you experienced, but try to do it from the perspective of ... YOUR SHOES! Where have your shoes been? What have they seen? What other kinds of shoes have they interacted with? What substances have they touched? What makes your shoes happy? Sad? Collect forms for action research Pull out overheard conversations Developing Questions Read a piece of The Language Archive Discussing Monologue/Character Development Character Description + Character Greatest Want Homework: Character description + Character Greatest Want Monologue |
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